School Safety Drill Information
Michigan Public Act 12 of 2014 modifies the frequency and recording requirements for school safety drills. Under the requirements, any school that operates any grades K through 12 must conduct the following drills annually:
- A minimum of five fire drills per school year, with three taking place by December 1 and a “reasonable” interval between each drill.
- A minimum of tornado drills per school year, with at least one taking place in March.
- A minimum of three lockdown drills per school year, defined as “drills in which the occupants are restricted to the interior of the building”. At least one lockdown drill shall be conducted by December 1 and at least one after January 1. There must be a “reasonable” interval between each drill.
- At least one drill is required to take place during a lunch or recess period, or at another time when a significant number of the students are gathered but not in the classroom.
The Act also requires that school officials must document completed safety drills on the school’s website within 30 days of completing the drill and maintain this information on the website for at least 3 years. The scheduled drills are posted below.
(a) The name of the school.
(b) The school year of the drill.
(c) The date and time of the drill.
(d) The type of drill completed.
(e) The number of completed drills for that school year for each type of drill required under subsections (3) to (5).
(f) The signature of the school principal or his or her designee acknowledging the completion of the drill.
(g) The name of the individual in charge of conducting the drill, if other than the school principal.
Parkview Principal Jennifer Murphy