Points of Pride
Our staff are steadfast and driven with an unwavering effort to personalize and individualize teaching and learning based on students' needs, interests, and aptitudes. Students realize their potential and diverse talents through art, music, physical education, and media/library weekly. The Parkview staff builds strong relationships, while utilizing the resources, incredible facilities, technology, and systems to ensure success and continuous progress for all students.
We offer first-rate programs that inspire greatness. Students experience learning that integrates a robust and rigorous targeted curriculum in literacy, social studies, science, and math in order to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and perspectives needed to thrive in the age of globalization. Parkview has a wonderfully diverse population. Through our work and interactions each day, Parkview learners are learning how to be culturally competent leaders. We also instill a love of learning.
At Parkview, we are very proud to celebrate our diversity. We have over 25 unique, home languages spoken across the building! We are welcoming of all students and families, valuing differences, and being inclusive of everyone.
We utilize technology as a tool for staff and students to develop digital competencies and to learn creatively. Students utilize interactive white boards, document readers, cameras, chromebooks and iPads with confidence. Students have the opportunity for their own device, as we are a 1:1 district. Use of state of the art technology inspires our creativity with teaching and learning and opens up possibilities with regard to interacting and connecting with the world.
We have strong partnerships with our families, with a solid belief that by working together, we can support each of our students. We have an active Parent Teacher Organization. We are proud to collaborate with organizations including the Novi Educational Foundation, the Novi Public Library, and Playworks.
Students have multiple opportunities for hands-on learning and gardening experiences with several expanded garden spaces. Students gain many life skills by researching what to plant, as well as the actual processes of planting, caring for, and harvesting the food grown. Students learn about plant and life cycles.